Audience Outlook Monitor Thematic Findings

The Department of Arts and Culture contracted with WolfBrown to provide our grantees with an opportunity to participate in the Audience Outlook Monitor (AOM), a national study to measure and track audience readiness and attitudes towards returning to live arts and cultural events. The AOM survey was deployed three times between August 2020 and January 2021.

In order to deepen our understanding of LA County residents’ needs and experiences of arts and culture during the pandemic, a qualitative study component was added. Ten grantee representatives conducted in-depth interviews with audience members, students, artists and staff. In the interviews, they asked about current arts and culture experiences and activities, online engagement with arts and culture, and recommendations for local arts and culture organizations.

On this page, find the full report of thematic findings from those interviews, a graphic summary of the findings, and the interview protocol they used.