Arts Atlas Datathon

Ticket Information
Register for Arts Atlas Datathon on Eventbrite.

Since 2017 the Arts Datathon has brought together arts administrators, artists, educators, data scientists, students, community advocates, researchers, civic technologists, and others to explore how we can use data to improve access to the arts.  

At the 2023 Arts Atlas Datathon you’ll learn about a new website that shows where and how LA County government invests in the arts, the Needs Assessment Web Tool.  

You’ll learn how to look up government investments in the arts in your community and how to explore the equity of government investments in the arts across LA County. You can contribute to a community-based map by sharing information about your favorite places to engage in arts and culture.  

You will have three breakout sessions to choose from:

Using Geography for Arts and Culture Narrative Building and Advocacy
Join Arts for LA to explore your advocacy narrative and how the Needs Assessment data can strengthen your goals for your region. Participants will discuss the arts and culture gaps within their communities and how their goals and narrative can help close those gaps.
Measuring Access to Government Funded Arts
Join us to explore the arts landscape across LA County. Examining the wide range of programs and opportunities, we’ll collaborate to develop a palette of attributes that paint a clearer picture of access and opportunities. Building upon our collective knowledge of arts and culture programs, organizations, and agencies across the county, we’ll identify ways to better understand and track access to the arts.
What does equitable access to the arts mean to you? Join us to explore demographic and geographic data you and your organization can use to reach communities with limited access to the arts. Participants will review newly available maps and data then discuss how it can spark curiosity for building relationships with local organizations and residents.