Opportunities For Consultants

(Above) Big Wishes & Magic Birds by Bunnie Reiss at the Carolyn Rosas Park.

The LA County Department of Arts and Culture frequently releases Requests for Proposals (RFPs), Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) and Requests for Information (RFIs) to find consultants for a range of projects.

Open Opportunities

The Department of Arts and Culture (the Department) seeks to solicit proposals for a contract with an individual or organization that can provide Strategic Planning, Retreat Planning, and Meeting Facilitation Services for the LA County Arts Commission.

The Department of Arts and Culture seeks qualifications from Art Consultants to establish a diverse Prequalified List of individuals and/or teams with a wide variety of experience to provide curatorial, public programming, community engagement, and public art project management services on an as-needed basis within a large range of budgets, proj

The Department of Arts and Culture's Civic Art Division seeks professional conservators, independent or collaborative, and firms to add to an Art Conservator Prequalified List to provide maintenance and conservation services for artworks in the Los Angeles County Civic Art Collection.